Beau Windon is a neurodivergent writer of Wiradjuri descent who writes quirky stories about quirky people with a focus on YA fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry.
IG: @whoisbeauwindon Twitter: @WhoIsBeauWindon Facebook: @mashbeautato Web: Publications: Some available online publications
Noè Welcome to Why Write, a super short podcast that asks writers just that, why they write. Hi, I’m Noè Harsel, a writer and Chair of Writers Victoria, and I’m excited to chat to a diverse group of writers and simply ask, why write? I’m glad you’re here with me.
Today with us, we’ve got Beau Windon. He’s a neurodivergent writer of Wiradjuri descent based in Melbourne, Australia. He writes quirky stories about quirky people with a focus on YA fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, Beau was the recipient of a Writeability Fellowship for his hybrid memoir, and was awarded a grant from Creative Victoria to develop his YA manuscript. You can read Beau’s work in the Griffith Review, Archer Magazine, VICE and Rabbit, among other places.
Why Write is a Writers Victoria podcast. All programs and information about becoming a member with us at Writers Victoria is available at
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Original Music by Brand Music.
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